admin created the group
groups 3 years, 11 months ago
admin أنشأ الموضوع أفضل ثيمات WordPress الخيرية في منتدى قم بإنشاء موقع WordPress من البداية 8 years, 6 months ago
Since the world has seen the success of popular crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, crowdfunding is all the rage! Niche websites have popped up dedicated to gaming, music, nonprofits, and more.
Before becoming a blogger, I was a part of a web development company that created two crowdfunding platforms for clients. I know what…Read more
admin أنشأ الموضوع ما الذي يجعل موقعًا خيريًا جيدًا في منتدى قم بإنشاء موقع WordPress من البداية 8 years, 6 months ago
A lot of charities rely on voluntary funding. This funding is carefully distributed and there are often more important things ahead of a generous budget for the website.
So how does a charity get the most out of its website? It needs to let users find out information about the charity, but the main objective of the site is to get people…Read more
admin أنشأ الموضوع 6 خطوات لإنشاء موقع تمويل جماعي في منتدى قم بإنشاء موقع WordPress من البداية 8 years, 6 months ago
Crowdfunding has taken off in a big way in the past few years. It’s easy to see why, as the Internet offers a way for many like-minded people to club together. But you don’t need to use a service like Kickstarter if you’re already running your popular website…
Build a stable Crowdfunding WordPress Website
The first step is always easiest…Read more
admin أنشأ الموضوع دورة صنع الأعمال الخيرية – الأسئلة الشائعة في منتدى قم بإنشاء موقع WordPress من البداية 8 years, 6 months ago
This forum will be used to discuss on how to build a Charity WordPress Website from absolutely nothing for your Non-Government Organization.
The discussion in this forum section should solely serve the purpose of building a Charity, volunteering website.
The main CMS we are using is WordPress, and the best Charity WordPress Theme for this…Read more